INNDUCE.me in business magazine Trends
Press - 09.06.2020
Managing Director Peter Daels was interviewed by Trends Magazine: How to restart the economy after Covid-19? Read how to get the right people on the right place.
The Covid-19 crisis has brought many sectors of the global economy to a halt.
In this article[1], The World Economic Forum argues that innovation is essential to advancing the global economy. Creativity and innovation are important not only for companies, but also for the economy as a whole. In the 21st century economy, strong innovation skills are essential. So why not commit to building your innovation capacity or that of your employees?
Talent is on the market, but the new challenge is to find the right talent to drive an organization forward. Many organizations simply don't have the right tools in place to effectively attract or hire the candidates needed to fill the innovation roles.
INNDUCE.me helps you to jump-start your company by mapping the innovation skills of your people through its Situational Judgement Test (SJT) in order to build your Innovation Dream Team and accelerate the innovation projects of your employees.
A good innovation team needs creatives, but also people who create the support base and others who take on the practical realization. We screen the employees and give advice for improvements. We make sure the right profiles are in the team and clarify their role and expectations. Innovation is crucial, and with our tool we help our clients to succeed.
Curious about this tool? Get started > www.innduce.me/demo
[1] https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2014/09/innovation-new-global-context/